Sunday 2 June 2024

The Moving Finger Writes


… and having writ, decides to take a break and tippy-tap a short blog about it. At the moment we're in the throes of an election campaign and one of my immediate tasks is handwriting onto envelopes the names and addresses of some of the people who will be casting their votes by mail. Postal votes are cast several days before the main polling day, hence the urgency. I consider it a blessing to live now in a place where Liberal Democrats are more abundant than where I used to live. No longer am I in a constituency where the Lib-Dem candidate does well to retain the deposit. Here in the newly created (by boundary changes) constituency of St. Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire our candidate Ian Sollom stands a very good chance of winning. That's if his team keep up the effort of campaigning with a lot of different tasks to be done. So I'm getting back to the handwriting: I've lost count of how many times I have written Great Cambourne being careful to remember the u in the middle because I once lived in Camborne Avenue Aylesbury. It's not a glamorous job, but I'm doing it because we need a Lib-Dem MP, the recent years of Tory government have been dreadful. I'm in the stage of life when a working NHS is vital. I'm already grateful for it saving my life once so a few hours as a scribe is easy. The other day I was in Cambridge city centre and I noticed a bus: destination Addenbrookes, big advertisement on the side for a private healthcare company. I wonder whether anyone else spotted the irony.